Sabbatical Begone: A Multi-Film Review (and Very First Video Game Post) Bonanza is Imminent!

My sudden life-wide transitional phase cum hiatus cum autumnal sabbatical is over; so decrees the filing-cabinet part of my brain dedicated to retaining reactions, notes, and all gubbins regarding horror/sci-fi film and video game experiences. The cabinet is brimming to burst, and I’m sufficiently sick of treating this blog project–which began in such a fervor on my part–like a cheerful houseplant that I keep putting off watering. Out of the lengthy collection of films I had a chance to watch in the past two months, there are a choice handful that still have my emotions jangling, and I’m excited to purge those reviews to share with you folks instead of being the avid blog visitor*.
In the deluge of impending posts, I hope to satisfactorily cover “Contagion”, “The Reeds”, “The Grey”, “Prometheus”, & “Looper” in film reviews, break ground on video game pontification with a sorely overdue monologue of Minecraft, and to generally regain my blog-step (which I imagine is a groovy saunter) to keep on truckin’ this time. Anyone who wanders in, well, I hope you enjoy what I have to say and that you’ll consider coming back! 

*As far as horror movie review databases go, I stumbled upon 2 that proved to be exciting, excellent resources: and the horror/sci-fi film plus BONUS video game archives of Check them out if you are seeking something new-to-you, interviews with horror critics/directors/authors, thoroughly concise sub-genre factoids, or just have a hopeless predilection to spend restless online hours immersed in the world of celluloid horror. Cheers!